What we do

The four cornerstone for Wellness Future

Centers that matter

Vedic Wellness Centers of Study provide space and support for the in-depth study of their subjects along with the opportunity to get involved in real-world, working projects. Our centers help to build the reputation of the institution through engagement with the wider academic community.

Program enhancement

Donations designated for this fund will provide faculty and staff with the means to develop curricular and co-curricular initiatives designed to enhance the University’s growth, sustainability, and reputation.


Your scholarship gift will provide an immediate and life-changing impact for individual students who otherwise might not be able to access an educational experience.

Wellness Program

Gifts to the Wekllness program Fund will be directed to the areas of greatest need,and help us in seamlessely organise the corporate & comunimty wellness prorams & allowing the flexibility to tackle challenges head-on as they arise and respond to the changing needs of our community.

What we Offer

1. Corporate Programs

For Organizations

For Employees

2. Community Programs

Health and Wellness Camps The Community Wellness Initiative aims to motivate individuals and families to be and remain healthy. Healthy lifestyles are maintained by encouraging physical activity, healthy eating, and positive family relationships.